NSW Opportunity: Israel Calling

FinTech Australia is supporting this great collaborative initiative by the NSW Government and Austrade.Up to 10 NSW fintech and cyber security start-ups have the opportunity to take part in an intensive accelerator program in Tel Aviv, Israel. This is perfect for start-ups who are ready to go global, looking to build networks, access Israeli Mentors or solve deep tech problems that might help their start-up in its next phase of growth. You'll also help build Sydneys reputation as a leading Asia Pacific innovation hub.What will you receive?

  • Return economy flights to Israel
  • 11 nights' accommodation
  • A curated, 10-day intensive program in Israel (1929 September 2016) to give you the edge in your fintech and/or cyber business
  • A home base during the program at the Tel Aviv Landing Pad at SOSA Start-up Hub
  • Participation in Israel's biggest innovation industry event - DLD Tel Aviv

How to ApplyEmail fintech@dpc.nsw.gov.au and tell us in 500 words or less:Why should we should choose you for this Australian-first opportunity?

  • Make sure you address the following in your answer:
  • Vision - What are your start-ups objectives and how do you plan to achieve these?
  • Scaleability - Can you deliver your product or service to 100 or 1 million customers? Have you started thinking globally?
  • Traction - Do you have a proof-of-concept, existing sales and customers, funding, investors and partners?Differentiation - How does your offering disrupt its marketplace, and what is your value proposition and vision for growth?
  • Market relevance - How will a two-week intensive program in Tel Aviv make a difference for you? What will you bring back with you to the NSW ecosystem?

For more detailed information, download this PDF.Applications close on 22 July, 2016 so get in quick!All applications will be competitively assessed. The NSW Government reserves the right to reject any applications deemed not to meet the application requirements.


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