Regulatory Forecast
An interactive timeline of historical and future fintech regulatory changes, consultations and milestones
The Regulatory Forecast is currently in testing and will be formally launched in early 2024

The Regulatory Forecast is an interactive overview of regulatory changes, milestones and consultation processes relevant to the Australian fintech ecosystem.
The timeline also extends into the future and sets out our ‘forecasted’ predictions for what is coming next. These predictions are iteratively updated over time and we base them on government announcements or our projection, based on usual policy development and legislative timeframes.
Each data point is filterable by subject matter or fintech vertical (e.g. CDR, Payments, Crypto etc) and clickable, revealing further information.
Click on an item to view more information, including hyperlinks to consultation materials and FinTech Australia’s submission.
Filter the timeline using the ‘tags’, multiple tags can be selected.
Use the scale function (blue dot in top right) rather than zoom.
The timeline is best viewed on desktop.
The time period covered currently starts at the May 2022 Federal Election but we will gradually add more historical data points.
If you have suggestions for improvements or data points to add, please contact us.