It’s retirement literacy, not financial literacy that’s a global problem, says GBST

 Research by GBST, a leading global provider of wealth management and  advice solutions technology for the financial services industry, finds that when it comes to retirement  literacy, too many people feel ill-equipped to manage their funds and generate an income that will deliver a  comfortable lifestyle in later life. 

The research, among over 120 financial advisers, highlighted that many retirees struggle with deciding what  approach to take for pension income – for instance drawdown, guaranteed income or a blended approach – with 44% of respondents ranking it as either the first or second biggest pensions-related issue facing people at  retirement. The findings are part of a new report, Managing the retirement income challenge: A global  perspective, which examines the drivers of change in the global retirement landscape. With a particular focus  on Australia and the UK, the report explores how current superannuation and pension systems address  existing and future retirement needs and looks at what more can be done to improve retirement outcomes,  including the role of government, providers, advisers, individuals and technology. 

The report also draws on third party research and the views of several industry experts. A recurring theme is  the lack of ‘retirement literacy’ in both the UK and Australia. While many consumers are adept at managing  their day-to-day finances, they often feel unprepared when it comes to making appropriate choices with their  long-term savings to generate an income that will last throughout retirement. With high-quality professional  financial advice out of reach for many people, due to cost or lack of access, too often the onus is on individuals  to take responsibility for complex decisions at retirement. 

Robert DeDominicis, CEO of GBST, commented: “Delivering a sustainable income that lasts throughout later  life is one of the most important functions of retirement savings. Yet 30 years after the introduction of the  Superannuation Guarantee in Australia and 20 years since the launch of auto-enrolment in the UK, our report  finds that a significant number of people are still struggling with saving enough during their working lives and  managing their funds once they retire, leaving many relying heavily on state pension provision as they age.  With rising life expectancies and an ageing population, the retirement income challenge is not going away. 

“Successive governments in both Australia and the UK have attempted to address the issue with regulatory  change, but actual progress has been slow. It’s clear that many factors are contributing to the retirement  income challenge and the solution will also be multifaceted. Continued government action is certainly part of  the solution and hopefully, we are now seeing real momentum to effect positive change. Greater engagement with pensions and improved ‘retirement literacy’ is also crucial to ensure people make better financial  decisions and achieve better financial outcomes, supported by both comprehensive, professional financial  advice and providers stepping in to guide people from accumulation into decumulation. 

“We believe technology forms the final piece of the puzzle, with innovation in systems, tools and products that  offer flexibility and choice for people to use their pension savings in a way that suits their needs - while also  ensuring they enjoy a comfortable lifestyle in retirement. Solving the retirement income challenge will require  a significant combined effort. But the prize will be improving financial resilience among older generations  without increasing the burden on future generations.” 

1 Research conducted by the lang cat on behalf of GBST among 121 financial advisers in June and July 2024.

About GBST 

GBST delivers technology and digital solutions to enable, support and scale wealth management and advice  organisations globally. Our team of experienced professionals create vital back, middle, and front-office  solutions for wealth managers, life and pension companies, stockbrokers, fund managers, investment  managers and advisers, as well as offer financial tools and digital services to banks and loan providers.  Founded in 1983, GBST works with more than 100 financial brands across Europe, Australia, New Zealand, the  US, Canada, and the UAE. Our leading-edge technology supports over 5.5 million investor accounts under  administration with Direct to Consumer, Advised and Workplace channel solutions. For more information,  please visit: 

About Composer 

Composer is a wealth management administration SaaS technology solution. It helps advised and D2C  investment platforms, superannuation funds, life and pension firms, and employee savings schemes improve  efficiency and ensure regulatory compliance. Composer offers a comprehensive suite of solutions to  streamline the administration of wealth management products from the distribution channel to the back  office. It supports multiple investment products and asset types including the management of model  portfolios. Composer enables business consolidation onto a single platform, driving operational efficiency,  reducing risk and automating business processes and trading.


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