Change Financial strengthens team for growth appointing Kathryn Grant

Change Financial Limited (Change), a leading ASX-listed (CCA)  Australian payments fintech, today announced the appointment of Kathryn (Kat) Grant as Vice President, Marketing. Ms Grant’s role will focus on driving the overarching marketing strategy and  positioning Change for further growth in the Australian, New Zealand, American and Asian  markets. 

Ms Grant has over 20 years’ of marketing campaign, strategy and project management experience  in the Australian payments, consumer and broader financial services industries. Most recently she  was Head of Marketing - Australia at Openpay. Prior to that, Ms Grant headed marketing at WEX  Australia for Asia Pacific for over five years. She has also worked as Direct Marketing Manager – 

Consumer Cards Acquisition at ANZ after 11 years in various leading marketing roles at GE  Capital. 

In these positions, Ms Grant played a crucial role launching new products, services and card  programs to market, including managing the high profile WEX Motorpass Fuel Card and ANZ  Travel Card. 

Chief Executive Officer of Change Financial, Tony Sheehan, said that Ms Grant’s extensive  experience within the payments space is an asset to Change Financial as they look to strengthen  and grow the business. 

“Change Financial is on a growth trajectory in Australia, New Zealand and the US, so it is  imperative we have someone of Kat’s calibre in the team to help drive our marketing strategy so  we can meet our ambitious targets,” Mr Sheehan said. 

This appointment comes as the company continues to increase their global footprint, having signed  a number of key global partnerships in 2023, improving access to card programs for smaller players  in the market, enhancing their value proposition. 

“We continue to see increased demand from both clients and investors globally and this  appointment comes at an inflection point for the business as we enter our next stage of growth  across a number of key markets worldwide including the United States, New Zealand and the  Philippines.” 

Ms Grant holds a Bachelor of Commerce and Economics, as well as a Master of Marketing from  Monash University. She started her new role on 02 October 2023 and is based in Melbourne. 

About Change Financial Limited 

Change Financial (Change) is an experienced global fintech, listed on the Australian Securities  Exchange (ASX) providing tailored payment solutions, card issuing and testing to banks and  fintechs. Partnering with 150+ clients across 40+ countries, Change delivers simple, flexible, and  fast-to-market payment solutions. 

Change currently manages and processes over 27 million credit, debit, and prepaid cards  worldwide. Learn more about Change at


Five Fintechs on Friday, October 13, 2023
