Productivity in FY25: Australian Business Intentions

The past year has presented numerous challenges for Australian businesses, including funding freezes, talent shortages, layoffs, and regulatory changes. As we move into the new financial year, companies are planning strategically to overcome these obstacles and drive productivity and growth.

We conducted a pivotal study, surveying 500 business leaders from Australian companies with 20 to 500 employees. This report reveals key insights into their strategic priorities, including embracing flexible work benefits, global expansion plans, and international hiring intentions. Understand how businesses are navigating high operational costs with rapidly evolving regulatory changes, and poised to tackle business productivity challenges and stay competitive in the coming year.

Uncover key insights around improving efficiency and output, including:

  • State of play in FY25: Why business productivity is key

  • Flexible workforce practices offer hope

  • Competing on a global stage

  • Using technology to drive productivity


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