Five FinTechs on Friday - June 26

Fintechs helping SMEs with access to capital, a fractional investment platform, a tech startup fund tracking service and a technology company that helps fintechs build customer relationships. Here are 5 fintechs on the spotlight this Friday.

Business Fuel

Business Fuel has been supporting Australian SME’s by efficiently providing access to capital for 10 years. For too long Australian Businesses have missed out on opportunities that could have been game changers if they had better access to working capital. Business Fuel provides loans from $10,000 to $200,000 over terms between 6 to 18 months, for all industry sectors, for any positive loan purpose such as purchasing equipment, expanding, stock purchase or working capital.Technology and automation are central to Business Fuel’s origination process and credit decision making, resulting in less paperwork and fast processing with most loans funded within 24 hours. Efficiency combined with practical product design allows both customers and broker partners more time to focus on their businesses.


Lumi is one of Australia’s fastest-growing alternative lenders, offering some of the best-unsecured finance products available. Lumi’s mission is to empower small business owners to achieve their goals through providing fast access to finance to give their venture the boost it needs. It offers unsecured business loans from $5,000 - $200,000 with 3-18 month terms through an easy, hassle-free online application process.To support the changing cash flow needs of its customers during COVID-19, Lumi recently launched a Line of Credit product that allows customers to customise their loan’s duration, payment terms and more for ultimate flexibility."


DomaCom Limited (ASX:DCL) owns and operates a fractional investment platform that enables investors to co-invest in a percentage of one or more high value assets like property and loans in a syndicate-like structure and currently has $72 million invested across 65 transactions.COVID19 has resulted in a higher vacancy risk across Australia so they are now focusing on their new “Rent to Own” product that uses developer discounts to assign 1% equity to the tenants each year for up to 5 years - tenants get equity in the property they are renting which should result in lower vacancy risk.


Techboard has been tracking which startup and young tech companies in Australia secure funding and from whom since 2017. Techboard’s growing database and directory now contains over 3600 company profiles, 2250 funding events and 800 funders/investors. This data is used by Australian and foreign Governments, not for profits, corporates, investors and others from around Australia for purposes including ecosystem monitoring, research, reporting, sales and investor lead generation.“We have been tracking the impact of the pandemic on startup funding and have just released our latest funding bulletin for May 2020. and are offering FA members 20% off data subscription rates."


Suite2Go is an Australian based fintech consultancy that helps leading global financial markets technology solutions build and grow lasting customer relationships in Australia and across Asia. It has experts in the buy side and sell side of the capital markets, data management and visualisation, regulatory and risk reporting, asset and wealth management, including front and back office and asset servicing. Suite2Go only represents leading fintech firms as the end client/users depend on its portfolio suite of technology meeting their current and future needs.



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