FinTech Australia applauds federal government's SMB lending package

FinTech Australia welcomes the Federal governments $2 billion package aimed at reinforcing Australias small business lending sector. Announced earlier this week, the agreement will see the government lend $2 billion towards packaged small business loans from challenger banks and emerging small business lenders.In an unprecedented move, the government has flagged the funding will be channelled primarily towards disruptors in this sector rather than its incumbent players. It comes amid revelations that a lack of competition in the sector has seen founders have resorted to personal loans early stage funding for their company in order to access better rates and deals. Several of such FinTech Australias key members, include Spotcap, Prospa, RateSetter and Moula.This is the biggest endorsement weve seen from government to date on the power of fintech to drive change, Rebecca Schot-Guppy from FinTech Australia says.Our members know this is a space thats ripe for disruption, and if managed correctly will supercharge the rest of Australias startup and small business sector,We will be looking to engage closely with the government as this policy is rolled out, and ensure it has greatest impact possible on the Fintech sector,Members of FinTech Australia have also welcomed the news.Prospa strongly supports this Government initiative, Beau Bertoli, Joint CEO of small business lender Prospa said.The Fund will deliver more affordable funding options to Australias small businesses at a time when their success is critical to Australias growth.Like our customers, Prospas biggest challenge has been finding cost-effective funding. Raising capital has been difficult, time-consuming and expensive. This Fund will accelerate the process of attracting private capital to the unsecured small business lending space and create a diverse and competitive finance market.Lachlan Heussler, Managing Director of Spotcap, said: Mr Frydenberg's proposal meets a real financial need and is a win-win for both Australian small business owners and for the alternative lending industry in Australia.Australia's 2.2 million small and medium-sized businesses are the beating heart of our economy but are starved of working capital and under-served by traditional lenders who require security.By lowering borrowing costs, the proposed fund is a good step in increasing competition between the dominant, big lenders and online, unsecured lenders, such as Spotcap".Alistair Lamond, Co-Founder and Director of Skippr said: "I saw this initiative be a game-changer in the UK. It enables alternative lenders to improve their credibility substantially but more importantly act as an efficient mechanism for the government to provide much needed stimulus to small businesses."Moula CEO Aris Allegos added: We welcome the news of the Australian Business Securitisation Fund and the role it could play in boosting small and medium enterprise (SME) funding.Healthy access to capital is vital for SMEs, and were proud to have created a platform which helps us back good businesses without making them jump through hoops. The new fund is great news for Australias 2 million SMEs, and we look forward to learning more about it.About FinTech Australia:FinTech Australia is a national association for the Australian fintech startup community. Our vision is to make Australia the leading market for fintech innovation and investment by working with both sides of government, industry and the Australian fintech community to create a supportive environment and partner ecosystem in Australia and abroad.Media contact:Harrison Polites0409 623


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