Chippit Introduces Chippit For Business and Anticipates PayPool Feature Launch

Chippit, a fast growing peer payments platform, is thrilled to announce the successful growth of its savings contracts and the upcoming launch of Chippit For Business, a groundbreaking initiative aimed at connecting businesses with its expanding user base. Additionally, the company eagerly awaits a resolution with PayPal to unlock the potential of the PayPool feature.

Since April 2023, when Chippit commenced onboarding its early customers, the savings contracts across group pools have experienced remarkable growth, exceeding $220,000. Notably, this achievement has been solely driven by organic word-of-mouth referrals, without any marketing or promotional efforts. As a compelling demonstration of Chippit's appeal, the number of active and waitlisted customers has consistently surged by an impressive 32% month-on-month.

Buoyed by these exceptional results, Chippit is now taking the next stride forward by introducing Chippit For Business. This revolutionary endeavour aims to establish a seamless connection between businesses and Chippit's expanding pools of users, facilitating a path to purchase like never before. By tapping into Chippit's fast-growing engaged community, businesses can unlock new opportunities for growth and build meaningful connections with potential customers.

In parallel, Chippit eagerly anticipates the imminent launch of the PayPool feature, pending resolution with PayPal. PayPool is set to revolutionize the way users handle payments within the Chippit ecosystem, providing a secure and efficient means to manage financial transactions. This innovative feature will empower Chippit's users to pool their funds and effortlessly execute payments, streamlining the savings process and enhancing the overall user experience.

"We are thrilled with the remarkable growth Chippit has achieved since its inception. The overwhelming response from our users, without any formal marketing or promotions, is a testament to the value and trust they place in our platform," said Eli Muse, CEO at Chippit. "With the launch of Chippit For Business and the imminent release of the PayPool feature, we are excited to further enhance our users' experience and create unparalleled opportunities for businesses to connect with our vibrant community."

About Chippit

Chippit is a community-powered peer-to-peer app that allows members to schedule payment plans with peers, and access affordable credit to achieve their money goals faster without the high cost of traditional debt. Our mission is to democratize access to capital by digitizing, de-risking and unlocking value in collaborative finance.

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Fintech Voice, June 22, 2023


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