Change Financial bolsters New Zealand expansion, announces Credit Union Auckland as latest client 

Change Financial grows their position in the New Zealand payments market

Credit Union Auckland secured as a new direct issuing, processing and card  management client 

First Credit Union’s new Mastercard debit cards issued and processed by Change  now in circulation 

Brisbane-based global fintech and payments as a service (PaaS)  provider, Change Financial (Change), has bolstered their expansion in the New Zealand market,  signing Credit Union Auckland (NZCU Auckland) as a new card issuing, processing and  management client. Additionally, First Credit Union’s new Mastercard debit cards which are issued 

by Change are now in circulation.  

First Credit Union is one of New Zealand’s largest credit unions, which went live on Change’s  Vertexon (PaaS) platform for card issuing this month. In addition, Nelson Building Society and  Police Credit Union which signed with Change in 2022 are in the process of final testing before  going live. 

Change Financial CEO and Managing Director, Alastair Wilkie, said that the company has long  been committed to addressing the underserviced New Zealand market and recognises its potential  as a global hub for payments growth and innovation. 

“New Zealand payments lag behind other key markets such as Australia and the US when it comes  to consumers being able to access cards and modern payments features like digital wallets and  BNPL capabilities,” Mr Wilkie said. 

Since we began creating our PaaS offering in 2021, we have been bullish in our approach to  addressing this inequity by working with small to medium banks, non-banks, fintechs and financial  institutions, to allow them to offer card payment services which have become the global standard.” 

It comes as the latest Global Payments Report from FIS (March 2023) noted a growing use of  cards over the last year, particularly credit cards, with global transaction volumes increasing by six per cent for e-commerce and 12 per cent at point of sale. 

“In New Zealand in 2022, credit and debit cards accounted for 51 per cent of all e-commerce  payment methods and 79 per cent of all point-of-sale payment methods1. This figure is expected to rise over the next five years as the market continues to do away with cash, making it fundamental  for smaller banks, non-banks and fintechs to offer cards to customers,” Mr Wilkie said. 

NZCU Auckland has approximately 4,000 active cards in market that will be transitioned across to  the Vertexon platform, which is in addition to the more than 35,000 existing cards being transitioned  from First Credit Union, Nelson Building Society and Police Credit Union, as announced in 2022. 

“Onboarding NZCU Auckland allows us to continue expanding into the New Zealand market and it  facilitates the further growth of this underserviced market by ensuring that there is greater access  to card services and the latest payments innovations nation-wide.”  

Change will begin onboarding NZCU Auckland this quarter with launch anticipated late 2023

About Change Financial Limited (ASX:CCA) 

Change Financial (Change) is an experienced global fintech, listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX)  providing tailored payment solutions, card issuing and testing to banks and fintechs. Partnering with over 157 clients across 41 countries Change delivers simple, flexible, and fast-to-market payment solutions.  

Managing and processing over 27 million credit, debit, and prepaid cards worldwide, Change also provides the  default standard for payments testing for many Australian companies, including Australia’s domestic card payment  service eftpos. Learn more about Change at


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