Beforepay realeses Quarterly Results for the fourth quarter of FY23
Beforepay have just released their quarterly results. Key highlights from the announcement:
Ethical lending fintech Beforepay Group Limited (Beforepay) (ASX: B4P) released its quarterly 4C results, showing a positive EBITDA of $0.57m in the fourth quarter of FY23 (Q4 FY23). This is the first positive EBITDA for the company in its six quarters as a public company.
Positive net profit in April 2023 of $0.3m due to strong credit outcomes.
Surpassed $1 billion in cumulative pay advances since inception.
Pay advances of $162.2m, up 51% on Q4 FY22.
Net transaction margin (NTM) was $4.09m, up from $2.59m or 57% quarter-on-quarter and up 88% year-on-year from $2.18m in Q4 FY22, the result of reduced net defaults.
To read more, head to their website here and read announcement titled "Beforepay achieves positive EBITDA in Q4 FY23"