ANNOUNCEMENT: FinTech Australia seeks its founding CEO - Applications Close April 4th 2016

FinTech Australia is a national not-for-profit organisation with a vision to make Australia the number one market for FinTech in Asia. Founded in November 2015, our membership base comprises over 50 startups, venture capital funds, hubs and accelerators across Australia that specialise in FinTech. We have seven committee members based in Sydney, Melbourne, Perth and Brisbane.Our key objectives are to support the Australian FinTech community, build awareness and trust in FinTech startups and to advocate for better policy on behalf of our members. FinTech Australia is seeking a CEO who will provide the leadership required to make the associations vision a success.Download


PRESS RELEASE: FinTech Australia Welcomes the Treasurer's response to the FinTech Australia Reform Priorities


PRESS RELEASE: FinTech Australia elects its founding Committee