Superhero Super makes additional Managed Investment Options available to members

Superhero, a leading share trading and superannuation platform has today announced that Superhero Super members will have increased flexibility over where their superannuation is invested via new Managed Investment Options.

Previously Superhero Super members had a minimum of 25 per cent of their super balances automatically invested  in the Global Balanced Index Portfolio Managed Investment Option. However, from today, Superhero Super members will now be able to choose between the following Managed Investment Options:

  • Global Balanced Index Portfolio

  • Global Growth Index Portfolio

  • Global High-Growth Index Portfolio

The default investment option when signing up for a Superhero Super account will remain the Global Balanced Index Option however members will be able to easily change this by:

  • Logging into their Superhero Super account.

  • Scrolling down to the ‘Manage Investment Option’ section.

  • Clicking on ‘Switch’ to compare and select a Managed Investment Option.

  • Confirming the acknowledgement to change Managed Investment Option.

  • Validating their selection via SMS.

John Winters, CEO and co-founder of Superhero said the new Managed Investment Options will allow Australians to take greater control of their superannuation. 

“Superhero Super was built on the goal of offering Australians greater control and transparency over how their hard earned retirement savings are invested. The addition of new portfolios is in response to member demand and is a feature we’ve had in the works for a while.” 

Winters continued, “Keeping our members at the heart of everything we do at Superhero has been key to our success in the market over the last two years. We’ll continue adding new features to our platform to ensure that our customers have the best possible experience growing their wealth with Superhero.” 

About Superhero

Co-founded by CEO John Winters and CTO Wayne Baskin in 2018, Superhero’s mission is to make investing affordable, accessible, and understandable. Superhero’s ASX trading platform went live in September 2020 and now has over 230,000 investors. Superhero Super was made available in July 2021, designed to meet the high expectations of a new generation of investors by giving Australians the ability to invest their super in their chosen shares and exchange traded funds.

Media contact

Anjani Shyam

0433 496 704


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