1receipt - An Environmentally Friendly Substitute For Paper Receipts

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]For our latest member spotlight, we spoke with Shahryar Faraji, the Founder of 1receipt. We were curious to learn more from him about what led to the company’s inception.Shahryar said that the idea for 1receipt came to him while seeing people exiting shops or department stores and throwing away their shopping receipts. He strongly believed against the idea of wasting paper and also saw that there was an opportunity to reduce retailers’ costs for issuing paper receipts and improve the consumer experience. 1receipt’s goal was to make shoppers’ life easier by storing and retrieving their shopping receipts for them without having to reveal their personal information.1receipt enables shoppers to opt-out of getting paper receipts with a scan of their mobile app. The app substitutes paper receipts by enabling consumers and businesses to issue, store, retrieve and manage their digital receipts through a smartphone app. In practice, it works by enabling shoppers to receive digital shopping receipts by scanning a barcode on their phone at checkout point.The digital platform was also designed to be an environmentally friendly substitute for traditional paper receipts. Shahryar emphasised that the app has the potential to save over 8,500,000 trees cut every year for the production of paper receipts and stop the dumping of over 3,300,000 kilograms of paper waste each year in Australia all while saving businesses millions of dollars in issuing paper receipts.Given 1receipt’s high aspirations, we asked Shahryar about the journey to getting where they are now. Shahryar said that the most challenging aspect of growing 1receipt was creating the software to work with any Point of Sales (POS) transaction to capture the receipt data. After months of research and several prototypes, 1receipt created its Software as a Service (SaaS) POS solution and barcode scanner system that is in use today.Looking ahead, Shahryar mentioned that 1receipt plans to be a single hub for all shopping receipts, including in-store and online transactions. To accomplish their goal, 1receipt is working to add a new feature to enable e-commerce vendors to integrate 1receipt into their system and allow online shoppers to save their receipts into their 1receipt account as well as in-store receipts. If you’re eager to learn more about 1receipt’s journey, please visit their website at: https://www.1receipt.io/[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]


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